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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Run, Gallagher Run: Maron Loses his First Guest Mid-interview

This just in: Halfway thru being interviewed by Marc Maron earlier today, Gallagher threw a tantrum and ditched the room. Here's how it went down according to Maron's recent tweets. In the order Maron posted:

  • Looks like I'm going to interview Gallagher today. WTF. (9:34 AM PST)
  • Going to find Gallagher. Talk later. I hope[....] (10:41 AM PST)
  • Gallagher just threw the mic down and stormed out of my hotel room. (11:33 AM PST)
  • I got about a half hour. Very defensive. I guess if you call bullshit on him there is no debate. He just storms off like a child. (11:36 AM PST)
  • I was being very diplomatic but I guess its either his way or[....]he throws the mic down and storms off. (11:37 AM PST)
  • I wouldn't put it past Gallagher to come and heckle me tnite. He was pissed. Doesn't like comics who talk about themselves. (11:41 AM PST)
  • I knew what I was getting into. He snapped when I disagreed with his assessment of good and bad comedy. Not politics. (12:02 PM PST)

@lowmoralfiber asks: "Did you feel physically threatened?"
  • Not at all. I was sad he left. It was just getting good.

@smassing asks: "First guest to walk out on you?"
  • Yes.

@SonicReducer09 asks: "were you really being that hard on him?"
  • No, I was trying to logically understand where he was coming from. My bad.

And it looks like we'll get to hear the buildup.
  • I plan to air the half hour. No reason not to if the sound is good.

Anyone who follows Marc Maron or listens to WTF knows that he readily admits to occasionally being aggressive and confrontational. But not really in his WTF interviews. There he just has honest and revealing conversations with comedians just begging to be understood and loved. There are tense moments, sure, but Gallagher is apparently the first to shut down walk away.

And don't worry; Maron assures us that the mic was not harmed.


  1. I'm sure Maron is not at all to blame for Gallagher's outburst. Though he's cheerful onstage, he's a real crab-apple in interviews:

  2. he's notoriously arrogant and deluded. i'm looking forward to hearing how it went down and what questions made him snap.
