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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aflac Fires Gilbert Gottfried for Jokes about Japan

Gilbert Gottfried is taking some of the attention away from Alec Sulkin for tweets about Japan that offended people. And he's one-upping the story: Gottfried's jokes got him fired from his quacking gig.

Aflac released a statement, saying
Gilbert’s recent comments about the crisis in Japan were lacking in humor and certainly do not represent the thoughts and feelings of anyone at Aflac.

Some of the jokes:
Japan called me. They said ‘maybe those jokes are a hit in the U.S., but over here, they’re all sinking.

I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said ‘is there a school in this area.’ She said ‘not now, but just wait.

Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them.

Gottfried made jokes about 9/11 just a few weeks after the attack. It was at the Friars Club roast of Hugh Hefner. He started to lose the crowd, but he won them back by telling a joke about sodomy, incest, pedophilia, scat, and showbusiness. And the punchline wasn't even that great. But the crowd loved it.

link to a story about the firing.

another link to a story about the firing.

another link to yet another story about the firing.

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