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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

He's Known for His Monologue #25

I guess [Senator Charlie] Rangel has been accused of 13 ethics violations. But…see, politicians… his explanation was, yes, but he may have just been overzealous in serving the public. Have you ever felt a politician was overzealous helping you? Really? (light laughter) Maybe overzealous lying to you maybe, but… (light laughter)

-July 30, 2010


  1. How does Leno's monologue compare to the other four? (Fallon, Ferguson, Kimmel, and Letterman. I don't know if Lopez does a monologue or a bilingulogue for that matter.)

  2. ranking? well it depends on what you like.

    if i was to pick a joke from each monologue at random, it would be pretty hard to identify most of them. why, that gives me an idea for a feature.

    leno does a very traditional monologue. fallon's is pretty close to reading jokes. letterman's is pretty short, and not very joke oriented: more reaction based. it's kinda like he's introducing his mood. lopez i haven't seen enough yet. kimmel is actually pretty close to leno in style. a crafted script divided into jokes with a pretty natural delivery. ferguson does something more difficult: his monologues are much more organic in structure and thematically united. he tells a story. he pursues an idea. the puppets are just a bonus.

  3. you know, I'm starting to think that Leno is NOT known for his monologues...

  4. I saw a special on Sunday Morning about Ferguson. He claimed that his monologues are spontaneous. Perhaps why they feel more difficult?

  5. he is pretty good on his feet. there are of course all sorts of spontaneity in performing. no question he has his topics and some takes on them worked out ahead of time. probably even a few lines.

    but even if he were to write them out completely, that structure would take a lot more work than a list of 7-10 jokes.
