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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

He's Known for His Monologue #35

And a man in San Antonio Texas has been arrested for taking upskirt photos of women shopping at Walmart. You know about these creepy guys that do this? He'd sneak up behind women with a camera like on a stick and snap a picture up their skirt. You ever heard of that? Huh? Somebody in a skirt shopping at Walmart? When does that happen? (laughter) Maybe a mumu or stretch pants! (applause) Really? Have you ever seen anybody…in a skirt at Walmart? No! What do you—(cheers) You know— That's how he got caught. He'd been there five years. He finally found somebody. (laughter)

-August 9, 2010


  1. Are these real? Some days I can't believe they're real, but I wouldn't know, because I don't stay up late enough to watch Leno.
