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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Twitterer of the Week: Sean L. McCarthy

Sean L. McCarthy, writer of the comedy blog, the comic's comic, claims to be "The world's only embedded comedy journalist."

Based in New York, he's typically on top of comedy news because of his connections. He knows what's about to happen, and often gets news out before official announcements. He was among the first (if not the first) to report several recent hires for the new season of SNL, and he reports well on what has happened, getting exit reactions from LCS contestants and winners, and posting a very sharp tribute to Robert Schimmel.

McCarthy is a good reporter of events. But beyond information, he's got insight.

His subheading "From the back of the room to your room," refers to the fact that while one comedian is performing on stage, several more are likely to be standing behind the audience, watching the performance and sizing up the crowd. Finding the trouble spots. Noting which pieces are killing with which groups. The back of the room is where the mind of a comic, in reaction to peers and and audience, both sympathetic and antagonistic, is likely to show itself.

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